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How to Handle Complex Customer Queries with AI Chat Agent?

Keywords: AI chat agents, handling complex queries

Meta Description: Learn how AI chat agents can efficiently handle complex customer queries through personalized communication, clear steps, and constant improvement.

These days, when 90% of customers expect instant replies, businesses cannot afford to make the customer wait, especially when 65 % are willing to move to another brand merely after a single negative encounter. Satisfying these expectations is not just about being fast – it also involves providing tailored and efficient answers to questions that may be complicated to handle. The advancement of customer inquiries has also increased sophistication in AI chat agents, ultimately transforming how businesses tackle customer inquiries.

AI chat agents that rely on NLP and machine learning are now effective in managing basic and frequently asked questions. 95% of businesses will use chatbots by 2025. However, there is a clear difference between primary and well-developed AI chatbots, which is how they have complicated and complex queries.

This article will explore how to employ AI chat agents as an effective tool for handling complex inquiries, from training AI to adding contextual information to supporting human agents with their work and improving customer satisfaction.

What are Complex Queries?

Complex customer queries refer to questions that cannot be solved through straightforward methods and involve in-depth problem-solving. Simple queries can include inquiries about general information commonly required or frequently executed tasks, including the status of an order or operational store hours. On the other hand, complex queries require more complication, context, and knowledge than simple queries. These could encompass simple technical support difficulties like handling complex queries like software or equipment hitches, billing concerns where customers encounter issues with charges or receipt of invoices, or some specific service requirements necessitating special solutions given customers’ unique needs.

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Several issues are associated with responding to complex queries.

  • First, they are usually more time-consuming than simple messages because agents need to search for details about the customer’s orders or history, documentation, or other company rules.
  • Second, there is the issue of specialization, where not all the agents may possess technical or subject knowledge in handling complex queries.
  • Last but not least, handling complicated searches can be mentally straining as the clients may already be angry or stressed. Therefore, the representatives have the challenge of handling the technical side while maintaining the tenor of the conversation.

How does AI Help to Handle Complex Queries?

  1. Advanced technologies, including Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), help AI to handle complicated customer queries. Using NLP, AI chat agents can understand the meaning of a customer’s words rather than focusing on the words used. AI can capture how “words are employed” in a conversation and offer more precise results. For example, if a client is seeking assistance with a particular problem, the assistant will understand if the problem belongs to the technical support category, configuration, or another
  2. Machine Learning widens the ability of AI to advance and learn from previous conversations and interactions. An AI system learns with usage. The more queries customers ask through the system, the more it gets refined to handle complex queries.
  3. AI is also good at dealing with queries across different languages as it supports multiple languages due to multilingual NLP models. This makes it easy for businesses to easily connect with people from other countries.
  4. Additionally, AI chat agents are available anytime, so customers do not have to wait for a response. This scalability also allows for the simultaneous management of many inquiries and reduces wait time.
  5. The other significant feature is Contextual Understanding. AI chat agents help themselves by providing the history of the conversation to provide more relevant answers. For instance, if a customer has made a complaint before, the AI can retrieve that particular encounter to better converse with him or her. It can identify additional hard-to-articulate feelings that one may have but does not necessarily vocalize, such as feeling frustrated or confused, and adjust the response and the overall message accordingly​.
  6. Another important function is Integration with Knowledge Bases. AI chat agents can help consult large databases, including FAQs, manuals, product descriptions or prior solutions that make detailed answers. For example, suppose a customer asks for support to solve an issue. In that case, the AI can find product manuals or solutions from previous cases more efficiently and probably provide a more accurate answer.
  7. Another helpful tool is Escalation Triggers. AI chat agents can detect when a concern is beyond their scope of competency or knowledge, as is when someone has a more complicated and specific problem. At this point, self-escalation will occur, thus passing the client to an agent in cases that AI cannot handle.

Steps to Train AI Chat Agents for Complex Queries

  1. AI chat agents require Data Training and Machine Learning to efficiently and successfully resolve complex queries. The AI should be trained using good data, such as customer feedback logs, previous chat history, and statistics on query-solving patterns. These datasets enhance the knowledge of AI agents concerning customers’ behaviour patterns, problems, and possible solutions.
  2. The next important step is to use Conversation Flows. To deal with complicated queries, the AI systems are programmed using decision trees, and conversation flows to direct them in handling different customer complaints. For instance, if a customer raises a billing issue, the AI follows a pre-defined flow: first confirming that’s the person’s account, looking at the transactions, and then contacting them if there’s something suspicious
  3. Hiring human agents is crucial to making sure that AI is constantly learning the right thing to do. A feedback loop is employed in which human agents monitor AI’s performance and contribute their inputs to enhance the reliability of the response. Human operators intervene when new kinds of complicated queries arise, and this process is employed to train the AI agents. The idea is that the more data it receives, the more it improves its capacity to address multifaceted issues in the long run​.

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Overcoming Limitations of AI Chat Agents

Still, AI chat agents are not flawless, and there are still some challenges, particularly in dealing with complex queries. They demand human logic, which may not be present in AI. That is why AI chatbots must provide emotional support and an opportunity to contact a human if the customer wants to, for example, detect the stress level or receive help in selecting special services and products. Two-thirds of customer organizations think AI can provide consistent warmth to all customers, irrespective of the number of queries they get.

This way, there is always a backup of human agents that can take over from the AI system where necessary, ensuring that customers are not dissatisfied or complex issues leave the customer unsatisfied.

Best Practices for Managing Complex Queries with AI

  1. Customer issues require a personal touch while handling complex queries. AI chat agents should call customers by their names, recall previous conversations and, most importantly, be empathetic in their approach. For example, AI can ask customers about previous complaints they raised and whether they are still experiencing the same issue.​
  2. Another important element is clear communication. AI should provide a clear context for every interaction action, like passing a query to a live agent or asking the customer for more information. It avoids misunderstanding and fosters trust​.
  3. 3 Incorporating feedback loops is an excellent way of improving the performance of an AI. After solving such a query, the AI should ask the customer questions to improve its responses to complex queries.


AI chat agents respond very well to FAQs because they utilize NLP and AI and are integrated into knowledge-base databases. All of this helps in responding to complex queries. They enable fast and correct answers and a personal and friendly approach to the customers. Of course, future developments, such as integrating emotional intelligence in chat agents, will enable the self-organization of the agents capable of handling more complex and emotional queries, making the process faster and aiding the customer.

Discover how ServQuik’s AI chat solutions can simplify handling customer queries while improving service efficiency. Learn more and see how it fits your business needs.





Saima Kausar
Post by Saima Kausar
Sep 19, 2024 10:51:01 AM
A Business Specialist and Copywriter; Saima Kausar is a Senior Content Writer at ServQuik.
